Saturday, December 10, 2005

Song of the Week
Other blogs do this, right? Like, the real, high-tech-eroo sort? Because we’re usually more web-journal-y than web-loggy, ‘round here. Which, I know, is so ’99.

Anyway, so my friend Marshall and I were sitting around talking about our favorite Abba song, not as one of those so-awful-it's-great-but-actually-we're-mocking-it things, but because we’re That Comfortable around each other: We can just talk about our favorite Abba tune without air-quotes or any of the other communicative trademarks of facetiousness. So, Marshall’s like,
“I always liked ‘Take a Chance on Me.’” And I’m like,
“Yeah! My Dad always used to blast that in his car when he was feeling saucy and cool. But-” I say. “My favorite Abba song isn’t even on the Greatest Hits cd. What’s that about??” And Marshall’s nodding and pointing, his mouth full of the yummy Indian chickpea stuff he’s made for supper.
“M’nthbbbber!” he says. But I understand him. Because we have the telepathy of true friendship. And it turns out that as youngins dancing around our respective living rooms, we each grooved the hardest to the Abba song, “Eagle.” Which I don’t have here for you, because I'm not that high tech, but you can find it if you look, oh, somewhere. As Marshall pointed out, it’s the perfect blend of synthesizer, harmonies and ‘70s quasi-native American spirituality- complete with Theme (The Mighty Eagle) and Flute Part.

Doesn’t this make you want to go out and listen to this song right this minute??!

And then he found it and we sat and listened and had a Moment -- in separate rooms, of course. It was the mutually respectful thing.

I guess that ‘graph back there included some of the ol' facetiousness, right? But you know any irony here to be a total ruse, since you also know I’m listening to the song Right now. Because it’s where? In my I-Tunes library. And there it will stay.

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