Thursday, November 18, 2004

Hey, hey hey.
Word on the street today in town is that Bill Cosby’s comin’ to town tonight to lay down his message of tough love. Apparently, “Cosby, who has a doctorate in education, has criticized black parents who have NOT taken an active role in their children's upbringing and education.”


“The 67-year-old Cosby has criticized the rap music industry for promoting sex and violence and blames consumers for rewarding what he calls the misbehavior by buying the products.”

Well, you know. I can see where he’s coming from. But I can also see why it says, at the end of the article,

“Critics, including many blacks, have criticized Cosby of being out of touch with the people he is criticizing.”

Remember that episode of The Cosby Show where Stevie Wonder’s driver hits Theo’s car – and the whole family ends up jamming with Stevie Wonder in his studio? Remember how toe-curlingly **excited** all the Huxtable children are, at getting to meet Stevie Wonder? Like jumping-up-and-down-and-squealing excited? Including the bohemian-styled oldest daughter? Including the son with sorta-kinda sometimes rebellious-esque tendencies?

Now, come on; you know those kids woulda been listening to some damn Run DMC!

That’s all I’m saying, Dr. Cosby. And that’s not so bad, right?