Saturday, July 03, 2004

Amen to that last post.

Because it is nearly midnight on a Saturday night, and after a nice long walk with m'dog through the insane-with-cicadas night; a glass (or two) of Riesling and this Joanna Newsom song, "Swansea" = bliss. It really doesn't take much to make me completely content; Like a cat who's crawled inside this-here song.

(Did I mention I've had some wine?)
God Damn, I say.

I've been considering lately, a move to a city that's much more purely urban than the one in which I currently dwell. One common, sorta a-priori-accepted opinion is that a more strictly Urban or Rural environment will do one's character good. I have no idea why, though.

We have some friends moving to the mountains in North Carolina soon, and we're all giving them an envious hoo-rah of a goodbye. They are somehow more pure-of-heart for their decision; all of us know this. And another friend of mine's moving to NYC, and there's this idea that she's somehow taking the high road too, by moving to a Real City.

I wonder on a night like this how I could possibly leave the smell of dirt and fresh-cut grass for the smell of hot concrete and exhaust.

Oh, Alice.

For ambition; that's how.



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