Friday, September 21, 2007

The youth. And: Not freaking out.

I haven’t written here in a while. I am writing, mind you, only it's mostly gems such as these, on my students' papers: “What’s the larger significance of writing about this acid trip? It seems like it could possibly be one layer in a larger story, but as it stands now, I’m left wanting more.”

“Your grandfather’s death is a great concept for this essay. What would make it even better: Some scenes. An exercise to try: Sit down and consider just one scene during this five year span you cover here.”

Truth: I’m not left wanting to read anything more about anybody’s drug trip, dead grandfathers or the puddles of tears “I could of swum in” tears and more tears dripping, dripping to the floor at their “pint sized feet.” Truth? I just want to be left alone. I think this is Phase Two of grad school. Phase One is a head-snapping adjustment period. Phase two is Leave me Alone with my Thesis. I think Phase Three might involve the acquiring of an eating disorder, or perhaps psychosis. Worth the thousands in loans a year by itself. Because those experiences sell books like mad.

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Blogger Erica Kain said...

Didn't we MFA veterans tell you? Once you go mad, and your money is all gone, they put an oil painting of you up in the school library. No shit!

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a great topic and it'll be way better than some stupid memoir!

Or an essay about drugs or grampa.

It took me longer than a summer to do my thesis, by the way. But it's true that we poets just have to write a bunch of poems and put them in order and hope it fits--not necessarily have a continuing narrative. Or consistent characters.

This is why I write poems! It's easier!

12:59 PM  

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