Thursday, July 05, 2007

If you want one web address, but accidentally type in another, you get porn.
If you want one 800 number, but accidentally punch another, you get porn.

Porn is lurking around every false turn in the Land of Communication. (I'd originally typed "nook and cranny" and not "false turn," there, but contextually, that makes no sense. Nook and cranny sounds way more pornlike, too.

There's something terribly wrong with me.)



Blogger Erica Kain said...

No doubt, the porn is everywhere! What I love is looking at the spikes in my blog traffic, and it's whenever I accidentally use a word like "ecstasy" or "nipples" in a post. Even though it's about watching a toddler eat vegetables or nursing or whatever, all these pervs come racing over to see what all the excitement is!
(Or maybe that's YOU racing over....??)

9:21 AM  

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